Story & Gameplay

Genre: Action

The year is 1965. Another case for hard boiled private investigator Jacob Cassidy.

Cassidy got a tip, that a mysterious cult has taken over the town of Port Gilmore, New England. There are not many things left that bring him joy after 40 years in the business: A good whisky, his trusty 5 shooter, and cracking tough cases.

Lucky for him, he will need all of those in his next chapter: Stopping the Crimson Cult from summoning Orgonthop, the Inevitable, the deathless Prince, and traitorous son.


WASD to move. Mouse to aim. LMB to shoot. R to reload. Cast spells with RMB and switch spells with Q & R. Show directions with Tab.

Gamepad partially supported.


Created by Nils Foerster, Adrian Herbers, Patrick Herbers, and Patrick Quiskamp.

Programming by: NF,  PH,  PQ

Design: NF,  AH,  PH,  PQ

Art: AH,  PH,  PQ

Sounds: PH

Music: PH

Additional sound effects from

Version Info
We used an experimental Release of Unity. The web version has no ambient lighting. It is playable, but the downloaded binary is the recommended experience.

A message just for you

Thanks for taking your time and playing our game. We hope you have a good day.

PlatformsWindows, HTML5
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
TagsDifficult, ld50, Ludum Dare 50, Magic, Zombies
LinksLudum Dare


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